During the CMCO, it’s not too safe to bring our kids to shopping malls, eateries, movies, etc and with them also not being allowed to schools for those few interim months, they will feel stuck up at home and it’s good to bring them out to parks and lakes for some good air, walkabouts, cyclings bringing them closer to nature and letting them appreciate our flora & faunas. In this part 1 of the article, there are 4 lakes and parks which we have been to during the CMCO and would be good to check them out.
Taman Saujana Hijau: Presint 11, Putrajaya
Taman Saujana Hijau is an attractive 41-hectare park covering a ridge and three rolling hills in the northwest corner of Putrajaya's Presint (Precinct) 11.
The landscaping is different from other parks in Putrajaya with more use of pine trees and other conifers and less tropical planting.
The park is divided into 3 zones; a European Garden, an Oriental Garden and an English Garden (Bustan Eropah, Bustan Oriental and Bustan Inggeris).
European Garden:
This area is located on the highest of the three hills and provides excellent views over Putrajaya. A small pavilion in European style stands alongside an open lawn which would be ideal for playing football except that ball games are not allowed.
With the open spaces, fir trees and wooded trails, there is something of a Mediterranean atmosphere here.
Oriental Garden:
This section is crowned with a Chinese style pavilion and has a greater use of tropical vegetation. The shelters in this park have been equipped with a lightning protection system (basically a tall mast) and visitors are warned not to stand next to the masts during a thunderstorm.
English Garden:
The English pavilion is an attractive gazebo surrounded by colourful flower beds. Only the weather is different from England! There is not a lot of shade in the park though it may improve as the trees mature. To avoid the hot sun it is better to visit in the early morning or late afternoon.
Putrajaya Wetlands
Covering a total area of 335ha, the wetland environment comprises Taman Wetland (138ha) and the wetland areas (197ha). One of the most popular tourist attractions in Putrajaya, the wetlands consist of 24 wetland cells built along the arms of the Chua and Bisa rivers.
Marshes and swamps were developed in their cells by transplanting more than 70 species of wetland plants form the Putrajaya Wetland Nursery. Twenty-four species of indigenous fish were later introduced into the wetland cells to enhance their biological diversity.

Parks and Gardens
Parks and gardens feature prominently in this Garden City. One of them, the 85ha Botanical Garden at the northern entrance to the Government Precinct, wills thousands of local plant species and an ornamental garden.
In addition, the 62.4 ha. Taman Putra Perdana acts as the urban green lung while the Perdana Walk, a 4.7 ha. linear park will link Persiaran Perdana with Dataran Putra. Taman Rimba Alam and Taman Jati which are designed to be sustainable recreational forest parks will have nature trails, cycling paths and camping sites. The following are some of the most attractive parks and gardens in Putrajaya.

A good starting point to explore Putrajaya Wetlands is to visit Taman Wetland. As the gateway to the wetlands area, Taman Wetland house a Nature Interpretation Centre and a 25-meter high look-out tower which offers a bird's eye view of Putrajaya. Within the park, there are two marked trails with interpretative boards, a flamingo pond, picnic areas and other public amenities.
Taman Wetland is also a wildlife sanctuary, attracting a wide variety of animals to the combined terrestrial-aquatic wetland environment. Several species of local marshland birds and water birds including the Little Egret, the Little Green Heron and Cinnamon Bittern, and migratory birds form Northern Hemisphere have been spotted there. A pair of binoculars will come in handy for bird watching. Visitors to the park can also enjoy a leisurely walk, jog or cycle along its bicycle track.

Taman Tasik Cyberjaya:
Taman Tasik Cyberjaya sememangnya terkenal dengan keindahan alam semula jadi yang damai dan menenangkan.
Dengan suasana yang tenang menghijau, Taman Tasik Cyberjaya adalah taman yang cukup ideal untuk anda datang bersama rakan-rakan serta keluarga.
Dengan landskap yang mengagumkan, ia terkenal sebagai tempat berjogging, berbasikal, bersantai serta menjadi syurga kepada mereka yang ingin melarikan diri dari hiruk-pikuk kota.
Laluan pejalan kaki yang melintasi dedaun lembap dan lekukan lebat di tasik ini mewujudkan suasana pengembaraan kepada para pengunjung.
Terdapat juga pelbagai unsur semula jadi yang anda boleh nikmati di sini seperti teratai yang indah meliputi tasik, burung-burung berkicau penuh harmoni dan banyak lagi.
Taman Botani, Putrajaya / Astaka Morocco:
Bagi mereka yang tidak berkesempatan ke Maghribi, masih boleh melihatnya dengan mengunjungi Astaka Morocco yang terletak di Taman Botani Putrajaya.
Seni bina replika Astana Morocco itu serupa yang terdapat di Marrakesh. Dibina atas pertukaran budaya antara Malaysia dan Maghribi.
Melepasi pintu gerbangnya, pengunjung disambut dengan keindahan air pancut yang begitu menenangkan dan sejuk mata memandang.
Bukan sahaja pintu gerbang dan dinding dipenuhi ukiran menarik, malah daun pintu diukir indah.
Di setiap pintu bilik pameran mewakili lapan bandar atau kota di Maghribi seperti Fez, Rabat, Essaouira, Rif Atlas, Marrakesh dan Meknes.
Dilengkapi perabot, permaidani, barang perhiasan, lukisan, pasu dan senjata menggambarkan kreativiti penduduknya.
Bahagian luar taman pula dihiasi pelbagai bunga tropika dan untuk menampak ia seolah-olah bangunan padang pasir, terdapat puluhan pokok kurma serta kektus.
Keindahannya, membuatkan pengunjung tidak akan melepaskan peluang untuk mengabadikan foto sebagai kenang-kenangan. Malah sesuai untuk dijadikan lokasi penggambaran filem, iklan atau sesi fotografi perkahwinan.
P/S: don't forget to spray and apply mosquitoes & insect repellents esp during musim denggi